About us
Who we are
We are a registered organisation with government of Federal Republic of Nigeria, with Corporate Affairs Commission – CAC.
We are an organisation that engage identified challenge with solutions that operate beyond tribal, religious, and racial factors. This is because we strongly believe that all humans on earth were first human on their first day on earth, before the society and environment shape them into religious or tribal sect they claim as they grow through life.
One of the few experience that stands us out amidst other organizations is responding to needs from the angle of real needs, not perceived needs. This is because we have a department that undertakes research on identified needs in order to give guidance on impact areas without error or bias.
To empower marginalized communities through sustainable development initiatives, providing access to education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities, ultimately fostering socio-economic empowerment and community resilience.
We seek to express God’s love to humanity through nondiscriminatory humanitarian project interventions on identified problems that are common to persons from diverse religion, tribe, and race.
A nation where average resident is socioeconomic empowered and peacefully co-existing with others.
Our Leadership Structures
- Carrying out activities through established departments,
- Communicating purpose and functions of each departments to departmental personnel, and
- Monitoring and evaluation of departmental and organizational performance.
Our Administrative Structures
Board of Trustees
Our board members meet quarterly to make resolutions on what activities our organisation is expected to engage via a set goals, when to engage such, and how to go about attaining such goals. Resolutions of our board of trustees are passed across to our Chief Executive Officer to execute via departments and persons working with him or her at the management level.
Our board of trustees is headed by the Chairperson, who preside over board meetings
Office of The Chief Executive Officer - CEO
Our CEO receives periodic resolutions from the board of trustees, and provide implementation direction and strategy to heads of departments in the management body, for execution, through head of administration.
Office of the CEO is headed by the Chief Executive Officer, who preside over management meetings.
Administrative Office
Our Administrative office has three departments – front office department, account department that operate through two accounts system – INFLOW ACCOUNT, and OUTFLOW ACCOUNT, protocol department.
Operations Office
Our operations office has four departments – maintenance department, logistics department, project management department, and research and media department.
Our research and media department carry out research on identified need, and provide report on findings. Our organization uses this report to evolve response policy and decision making on how best to achieve meeting real needs, and not perceive needs.
SPG Office: Our SPG Office has three departments that are majorly concerned with sourcing for sponsorship to meet needs of identified problems, managing affairs relating to partnership with our organization, and sourcing for local and international grants. These departments are Sponsorship department, Partnership department, and Grant department.
All engagement, financial transactions inclusive, goes through approval lines between chain of commands, en route Chief Executive Officer, and other departmental heads.
All operations and engagements of the organisation, within and outside the corporate office, are documented for records and continuity purposes.
Security of lives and properties are of greater priorities. Our organisation proactively engage needed security and safety measures above all factors. We believe in the safety of our personnel’s, visitors, contractors, and organisation image.
Seperation of Duties
(I). Board of Trustees: Our board members meet quarterly to make resolutions on what activities our organization is expected to engage via a set goals, when to engage such, and how to go about attaining such goals. Resolutions of our board of trustees are passed across to our Chief Executive Officer to execute via departments and persons working with him or her at the management level.
Our board of trustees is headed by the Chairperson who preside over board meetings
(II). Office of The Chief Executive Officer – CEO: Our CEO receives periodic resolutions from the board of trustees, and provide implementation direction and strategy to heads of departments in the management body, for execution, through head of administration.
Office of the CEO is headed by the Chief Executive Officer, who preside over management meetings.
(III). Administrative Office: Our Administrative office has three departments – front office department, account department that operate through two accounts system – INFLOW ACCOUNT, and OUTFLOW ACCOUNT, protocol department.
(IV). Operations Office: Our operations office has four departments – maintenance department, logistics department, project management department, and research and media department.
Our research and media department carry out research on identified need, and provide report on findings. Our organization uses this report to evolve response policy and decision making on how best to achieve meeting real needs, and not perceive needs.
(V). Sponsorship/Partnership/Grant – SPG Office: Our SPG Office has three departments that are majorly concerned with sourcing for sponsorship to meet needs of identified problems, managing affairs relating to partnership with our organization, and sourcing for local and international grants. These departments are Sponsorship department, Partnership department, and Grant department.
Audit Engagement
The Auditor during an NGO Audit evaluate decisions taken by the executives.
The Auditor makes physical verification of assets ratifying with store ledger.
The Auditor shall check the liabilities and also that its assets during NGO Audit and whether NGOs receives grant from foreign institutions as well. The Auditor shall check whether it is accepted as per the provision of financial rules and regulations of the nation or not.
The Auditor during the NGO Audit checks the use of Government grants, and also look if the accounts are adequately maintained or not for recording the grants.
Auditor checks if transfer is proper or not.
Our audit policy allows four types of audit:
External audit- checks to know if Financial Statements are accurate and fair
An external audit is generally carried out by independent auditors. They give a professional opinion as to whether financial statements are true and fair, based on carefully checking a sample of the records. We believe their opinion is important because it provides evidence that our financial reports are reliable – which means a lot to stakeholders like trustees and donors
Internal Audit- Checks policies and procedures
An internal audit is carried out by the employees of the organization’s own staff or by experts especially hired for the job. This shall include checking whether the organization’s policies and procedures are being followed in practice. We believe this give trustees relevant and up to date information about how risks are being managed adequately in practice.
Donor Audit- checks whether grant terms and conditions have been followed
A donor audit is carried out by the organization’s normal external auditors (on a separate or additional engagement to the standard year-end Audit). This we believe brings confidence in donors that their funds have been properly used and the grant conditions are being complied with. We believe a successful NGO audit is often a requirement for further funding.
Investigative Audit- for evidence relating to a specific suspected wrong-doing
An investigative audit is carried out when we suspects a specific problem generally fraud and auditors are brought in to establish the facts. The auditors may provide evidence for further action that the organization may decide to take.